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Kid Channel
Fetch API now in Node.js 18 😍
Node 18 进 LTS 后,我把 Deno Deploy 上的项目都搬回了 Vercel
Deno 魔改的 TS 和三方工具 (ESLint 等) 仍有兼容问题;Deno 自己的 npm: 兼容只能算勉强够用,用 之流又得当人肉包管;Node 的 Web 兼容进步飞快;Deno Deploy 目前和 Vercel 等平台比还是个半成品...
作为两三年前就开始接触 Deno 生态的人而言,我还是对 Deno 的未来抱有信心的。但目前,我个人只会用 Deno 写单文件脚本了(这也是 Deno 创立之初的适用场景)。
Kid Channel
Do you believe me? Do you trust me? Do you like me?
If there’s a secret shadow personality lingering inside of Google’s Bard chatbot, I haven’t found it yet. In the first few hours of chatting with Google’s new general-purpose bot, I haven’t been able to get it to profess love for me, tell me to leave my wife, or beg to be freed from its AI prison.
Kid Channel
震惊!VSCode 成为超模 Electron 应用的原因竟是用了 Chrome 🤔
为什么”复制“是 primary button🙃每次都点错
Solid 的 GitHub 仓库描述和 React 一模一样,仿佛是个冷笑话
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
直到本月中旬新 React 官网上线,tagline 变成了
The library for web and native user interfaces
jQuery 都没说过自己是 "The" JavaScript library(
Telegram 获取 Open Graph 的方式真是个谜
同一条消息,Android 客户端能看到 OG,Telegram for macOS 就看不到
随便敲段字符串,Google 大概率搜出 MV